
Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Volcanic Muffins

Once again with Penny's help Room 27 students had fun creating volcanic muffins!

Those muffins were delicious!

Our Learning

We have been learning about 'Extreme Weather Conditions' and their effects.

Students of Room 27 presented their findings and became the teachers to their peers. 
We all learn from each other.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, mudslides, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, hurricanes, and floods are some of the topic students chose to teach the class.


A listening audience.

The children wrote reports on various topics as well as on things that were happening around the school.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Matariki Cookies


 Matariki was celebrated by decorating star cookies with icing and all sorts of goodies.


The children are looking forward to eating their cookies. 

           Thanks goes to Penny who organised this activity for the class.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Sharing Topic Information with our Buddies

Both Room 27 and Room 26 have learnt about volcanoes and in this picture our Room 26 buddies are teaching us what they knew.

Reading and learning about the extreme weather conditions has been very interesting.


In this picture children are collaborating and sharing their knowledge with each other.

       Talking and sharing about what we know, with each other is another fun way to learn.






It is all about learning together!